What is Pascal? Introducing to Pascal  programming language

What is Pascal? Introducing to Pascal  programming language

Pascal is a structured programming language that is simple to analyze and study. Learn about Pascal programming language to gain more interesting details.

Pascal programming language overview: Definition, features, structure

Pascal is a programming language for computers that has become familiar to programmers due to its helpful features. Pascal, on the other hand, is exceedingly new and complicated to newbies in the realm of computer technology. So, what is Pascal? What is it used for? What are the features and structure of this programming language? The following article will introduce you in detail to the Pascal programming language.

What is Pascal programming language?

Pascal is a general-purpose, high-level programming language which was invented as a teaching language by Niklaus Wirth in the early 1970s. The name “Pascal” is a tribute to French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal.

Pascal programming language

What is the Pascal programming language used for?

The Pascal programming language was created to be simple to learn and comprehend, and to promote excellent programming techniques including data organization and structured programming. Pascal can be used for creating platforms, processors, and operating systems. In reality, Pascal programming languages were used to develop many well-known operating systems, including LisaOS, Classic Mac OS, StreamOS, Classios, Apple,…

Features of Pascal programming language

  • Grammar and semantics that are clear and rational.
  • The program’s structure is unambiguous and simple to comprehend.
  • Pascal programming language offers a variety of data kinds, including sets, files, records, arrays, and records.
  • Pascal programming language provides a variety of programming constructs.
  • Through its functions and processes, it promotes organized programming.
  • Object-oriented programming is supported by the Pascal programming language.
  • It offers thorough error detection so users may easily fix and improve.

Structure of Pascal programming language

Every programming language has a unique symbol system and structure. Specific rules and structures are laid out with character systems to create coherence in established programs.

Components of Pascal

The Pascal programming language is built from the following basic components:


Programming languages ​​are all built from a finite number of symbols, include:

  • Large Latin alphabet: including 26 uppercase and 26 lowercase letters 
  • Ministry of decimal places: 0,…,9
  • The mathematical symbols: +, -, *, /, =, , ( )
  • Hyphen _
  • Special characters: ” { } [ ] % @ ,…
  • Note: The Pascal programming language does not use Greek script symbols.


The Pascal keyword is used for specific purposes. Such as:

  • Common keywords: Program, Begin, End,…
  • declarative keywords: Const, Var,…
  •  Selected keywords: If… Then… Else, Case… Of
  • In addition, there are looping command keywords, control keywords, operator keywords, etc.


Variables, constants, data types, functions, etc., were named by an identifier (identifier) which is ​​made up of letters, and numbers, and linked by a hyphen ( _ ).

Components of Pascal

Basic structure of the Pascal programming language

Basically, Pascal programming language usually follows the structure:

Declaration (may or may not be)

The declaration may contain the following items:

PROGRAM {Program name}

USES {Declare using unit}

LABEL {Label declaration}

CONST {Declare constant}

TYPE {Type declaration}

VAR {Declare variable}

PROCEDURE/FUNCTION {Declare a subroutine}

Program body

The program body of the Pascal programming language start with a keyword “begin” and “end” . Between “begin” and “end” are commands.





Pascal is the basic programming language in the generic programming language system. Although Pascal is no longer a popular programming language, studying about it might help you have a better understanding of the programming profession. Hopefully, this previous text has helped you learn more about the Pascal programming language. Don’t forget to follow CTIGROUP every day to update more useful knowledge about IT